Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So little time

So as I'm laying here not being able to sleep for the second night in a row (from my phone so excuse the typos), all that is running through my head is what I need to do. It seems like there's never a day where all the laundry is done or the sink is empty or there's not stuff stacked all along the hallway needing to be put away. Suggestions?

My number one problem is laundry. It seems like I do at least a load a day. We go through so many clothes it's ridiculous. Jake works in a warehouse so on most nights he comes home an showers and then changes. So that's 2 outfits a day. Scratch that, we started working out after brenden goes to bed so he goes from work clothes, to workout clothes, to pjs after his shower. So 3. Brendens very into layers at the moment and always wants to have 2 shirts on (usually a long sleeve with a tee on top). So that's 2 plus his pjs. He eats breakfast in his pjs so they get dirty and only get 1 night wear out of them. I'm problem the worst of all. I always wear at least 2 shirts. (tank top under neith). And then change into sweatpants to work out then pjs and a Tshirt after my shower. So total for ONE day we are talking about like 15 items of clothing plus socks/underwear. And then 4 towels if we all shower. How in the world do you keep up with that? I use one of those 4 sectioned baskets in te laundry room. Maybe that's my problem, I seperate our laundry TOO much? I wash; towels, colors, whites, underwear, and brendens laundry. Thats 5 loads. Plus bedding ams randoms. And I wait a few days until there's enough for a decent size load so then I have five loads to do! The dryer takes an hour, so that's at least 5 hours of laundry plus folding/hanging! I try and throw a load in anytime I have a chance. But then it sits in a basket on the floor until I get the time to put it away. (by then there's usually 3 clean baskets and another 3 worth of dirty).

Ahhh anyways, enough venting for tonight. The dishes are another story. I finally have time to load the dishwasher tonight and there's too many to fit! So now I feel like nothing was accomplished because I still have a sink full of dishes. And not only do I have to unload it (which I hate more than loading. Sometimes I just wait until we've used half the clean dishes), now I have to reload it.

Well that turned into more than if needed. Now I'm off to watch another episode of house hunters so I can find another thing I wish we had in our house. ;)

1 comment:

  1. glad to know i am not the only one that sorts so many different "loads" :) and YES i always have tons of clothes!!
