Monday, January 23, 2012


Has anyone ever shopped at Aldi?
For those that dont know what it is, it's a small grocery store that only carries it's own brand of products. But many of them are very similar to name brand. Even the packaging is almost exact!
I've been a few time's but using coupons most times you get the name brand for much cheaper than the store brand. But they do have awesome prices on fruit so sometimes if I need a ton thats where I go.
BUT the downside to it is you have to pay $.25 for a cart, you get it back when you return it, and they dont have bags/bag your groceries so you have to do that too. So with a 2 year old it's not the easiest grocery store. And it's about a 20 minute drive from our house so that's another reason I dont make it there as often. But today we had the time and all we needed for the week would be fine in off brand and nothing I had coupons for. So off we went. And luckily Brenden did pretty good. We downloaded some new Apps so he was into those :)
There fruit was so cheap this week!!

We got:
4 1lb packages of strawberrys. They were only .99 each! Normally at publix their 3.99 for one. That was a big steal! We go through strawberries like crazy in this house but I hadnt bought them in a while since they wernt really in season so they were even pricer. But these ones were actually the best looking strawberrys Ive gotten in a LONG time. You'd think there so cheap that the majority of the package would be mushy or bad. NO. They're so cheap that more people buy them so they restock them quite often. Not one strawberry was mushy in all 4 packs.
We also got 3 bags of bananas. Something else we go through. They were only .42 a lb and each bag was about a lb and half.
A loaf of bread for only 1.29
Cataloup for only .88 cents! They were running low on these so they had a 1 each limit.
We also needed lunch meat and I didnt see stoping somewhere else for just that. So I got that as well. A thing of premuium lean turkey very similar to the hillshire farms I usually buy for only 2.28
While we were there I also picked up a pack of cheese/pb crackers for brenden that were .99 for a pack of 12 (each one has 4 crackers). And also some pork chops for dinner tomarrow. They werent greatly priced, but not any worse than at Kroger or Publix. but only like $4.50 for a pack of 4. Any good recipes for these?? My husband insist he doesnt like pork chops but Iv actually never seen him eat one in 7 years. So Im just going to make them and see if he eats it. So a REALLY good recipe is needed. If he doesnt like it he'll never try pork chops again.
Anyways..Thats all for today. If anyone else shops at ALDI's what are some items you get that you like??

1 comment:

  1. my mom LOVES aldi and since i can remember she has gone there. I need to go more often because you can save lots of money! There are certain things I like from stores like when I did shop there when i first got married we bought as much as we could at aldi and then went to walmart to get the stuff we really liked. I need to get back into it because the stuff tastes really good! I agree, i would have to go with someone because Christopher would not do to well if I went alone with him. BTW My mom always brings her own bags with her.
